Friday, October 25, 2013


This list is solely based on the games I have played personally. Even though I have played Pac-Man before, I hadn't played it enough to put it on my Top Fav list, on a general opion list? Definitely, Pac-Man is as iconic as Mario. That list is for another time. Back to the topic at hand, the Non-Geeky Nerd's favorite video game characters...

5) Ryu (Street Fighter)
I could list all the Street Fighter characters, but for namesake reasons, Ryu surpasses them all for me.

4) Batman (Batman: Arkham series)
He's Batman, he's so good he can appear on any list, including the over-used lists, but I digress. Bats makes the cut not only being the goddamn Batman, but because the current series of "Arkham" games have made him look like a god in the world of gaming. Aptly deserved.

3) Little Mac (Mike Tyson's Punch Out)
We've been through hell together, and have even bled together. I often joke about scar tissue in my thumb from playing Mike Tyson's Punch Out, and it's not a joke ahaha Mashing the buttons trying to get Little Mac to recover was the early raw form of Wii.

2) Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)
While many will go with Squall from Final Fantasy XIII (8), I personally enjoyed playing as Zidane from Final Fantasy IX (9). Little monkey boy trying to save the princess and world. Classic. The other characters (Princess Garnet, etc) were an added bonus also.

1) Mario
He's probably too obvious, but he is who brought me to the dance so to speak, and it is beyond awesome that he's that character at the forefront of the video games I play with my daughter. Games like Mario Kart and the Mario Party series. Itsa me! Mario!

Honorable mentions are; Roger Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabiit?, Mega Man from his series, and of course all the wrestling games I got to create myself in ahahahaha!

Stay Nerdy!